The Center for the Integration of Teaching, Learning & Scholarship (CITLS) is pleased to announce two inaugural Distinguished Teaching Faculty Fellows for the upcoming 2019 – 2020 academic year, Dr. Angela Bell, Assistant Professor, Psychology, and Dr. Brett Hendrickson, Associate Professor, Religious Studies. Both were selected by the CITLS Faculty Advisory Board based on the criteria specified in the call for applications, and the ability of their proposed topics to address pedagogical concerns that align most with the strategic goals of the College and its core values on teaching and learning.
The fellowship year provides a mentored experience where Fellows work on their own teaching in an area of pedagogical interest and provide professional development to the Lafayette community to advance instruction at the College. Fellows will further their own knowledge in their topic area during the year by attending conferences, institutes or symposia for professional development. Dr. Bell plans to advance inclusive teaching efforts within her courses of various levels (e.g. 200-, 300-, 400-level), as well as provide sessions for faculty that integrate her expertise on bias. Dr. Hendrickson will focus on a topic that is a key component of the experiences of many Lafayette faculty, student mentorship. During the fellowship year, he will apply what he learns to his own mentees and facilitate sessions for faculty on mentorship.
Please congratulate Dr. Bell and Dr. Hendrickson on these honors.