Vision: To be critical partners of the faculty on teaching excellence. To play a prominent role in national dialogues surrounding faculty members as teacher-scholars at small liberal arts institutions.
Mission: To further the institutional mission by facilitating research-supported initiatives, providing services, and creating resources to support the faculty as teacher-scholars. Partnerships between the faculty, staff, and students are key to our success.
We run a variety of programs including themed series, communities of practice, orientation for new faculty, reflective teaching initiatives, and more.
Read about our initiativesWe offer a variety of services including classroom observations, individual consultations on teaching, and more.
Read about our servicesMany resources, both on campus and online, support the CITLS mission.
View the list of resourcesIn collaboration with the Provost’s office, Academic Deans, and the Academic Resources Hub, the Teaching Excellence Series is back this Spring, focusing…
The Thank a Professor or Staff Member initiative allows students to send personalized notes of thanks to members of Lafayette faculty or staff that have…
There’s a little bit for everyone one at CITLS this Spring! Keep an eye out in the Lafayette Today and regular CITLS communications for detailed information…