We are at a time in higher education where it is imperative for all instructors to develop basic literacy in generative artificial intelligence technologies and have an awareness of their impacts on teaching and students’ learning experiences. The rapid development of the tools necessitates continuous learning by instructors. Below is a curated list of resources to support instructors, programs, and departments in their efforts.

Instructor Development of Basic Generative AI Literacy

All instructors can benefit from developing a basic understanding of generative artificial intelligence, commonly used  tools such as ChatGPT, and related issues of privacy, ethics, bias, copyright, and academic integrity. Instructors can develop such literacy by learning about and experimenting with the technologies.

During the summer of 2023 LVAIC hosted several conversations on these topics. The session recordings and files are all available for instructors to support their understanding of generative AI.

The College Writing Program and CITLS have also facilitated sessions and created resources to support generative AI literacy, several of which can be accessed below.

All Lafayette instructors have access to an Informational AI Guide developed by a summer 2023 working group. This resource includes the findings from a fall 2023 Lafayette College student perceptions and usage survey, sample course policies, and more.

The AI Pedagogy Project developed by the metaLAB (at) Harvard is another resource that has a tutorial that can support those just getting acquainted with generative AI. Additionally, an internet search will likely reveal a number of generative AI short courses and resources available, including those that focus on specific skills such as prompt engineering.

A small, actionable step: Instructors can reflect on what they do know or still would like to know about generative AI. They can set aside some time to access a few resources to help them achieve such literacy.

Student Development of Generative AI Literacy

In addition to instructors attaining basic literacy in generative AI and periodically keeping up with ongoing developments, it is also critical for their students to develop an understanding of how such tools can impact their current learning experiences and their future. Opportunities may exist for instructors to discuss such technologies within the context of their disciplines and how they can be leveraged for social good. Additionally, there may be important conversations to have in addition to those related to course policies, about how generative AI influences the work of the course. Such might involve exploring questions with students such as:

  • How does generative AI impact the discipline?
  • What are the advantages and limitations of using generative AI in this course?

The AI Pedagogy Project previously presented includes a repository of assignments that showcase a variety of ways that generative AI can be incorporated into a course. This resource can help instructors who ideate and consider possibilities for their courses, as relevant.

Developed by CITLS, in collaboration with CITLS Student Fellow Dashawn Sheffield ’27, the Navigating Generative AI Student  infographic is designed to support students’ responsible and ethical usage of generative AI in courses and other activities. This infographic can be uploaded to Moodle course sites and used as a supplemental resource when discussing generative AI policies with students. 

Additionally, there are curated tool lists that might benefit instructors as they consider which technologies they might include in their courses . Several are summarized on various websites such as AI Educator Tools.

A small, actionable step:  Instructors can peruse the assignments in the AI Pedagogy Project or resources from their field and consider whether and how generative AI can play a role in their courses.

Department & Program-Level Student AI Literacy Efforts

Thus far this resource has been focused at the level of the instructor, however departmental and program-level conversations and actions are important in supporting students both during and after their experiences at the College. Such units collectively can make larger decisions that impact student literacy in generative AI.

A small, actionable step: Department heads and program chairs can set aside time during department and program meetings for their faculty to discuss generative AI within their curriculum. As described in Landy (2024) departments and programs can explore questions such as:

  1. “What do we want the students in our academic program to know and be able to do with (or without) generative AI?
  2. At what point in our academic program—that is, in what specific courses—will students learn these skills?
  3. Does our academic program need a discipline-specific, program-level learning outcome about generative AI?”


Landy, K. The Program-Level AI Conversations We Should Be Having. (February 28, 2024). Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/views/2024/02/28/next-step-higher-eds-approach-ai-opinion

Related Publications and Resources by Lafayette Colleagues

Vee, A., Laquintano, T., & Schnitzler, C. (Eds.) (2023). TextGenEd: Teaching with Text Generation Technologies. The WAC Clearinghouse. https://doi.org/10.37514/TWR-J.2023.1.1.02

Addy, T., Kang, T., Laquintano, T., Dietrich, V. (2023). Who Benefits and Who is Excluded? Transformative Learning, Equity, and Generative Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Transformative Learning. 10(2), 92-103.