For the various dimensions of teaching and learning, consider whether the following digital tools can meet your course's needs. There are also instructional guides hyperlinked to some of the tools.

Building Community and Collaboration

Moodle discussion forums; G Suite (Docs, Chat, Google+, Yammer, etc.); WordPress; Panopto; Zoom; Perusall, Piazza

General Teaching Tools

Moodle; Panopto; WordPress; G Suite; Zoom

Student Engagement

Moodle Quiz or Choice; Panopto video quiz; Poll Everywhere; Google+; Nearpod; Gamification (e.g., Kahoot!)


Moodle Quiz; Scanning apps (for handwritten assessments); Google Assignment

Providing Feedback

Moodle (audio and video feedback in gradebook); iPads (markup); Audacity (long-form audio feedback)

Receiving Feedback

Moodle Feedback; Google Forms; Qualtrics