A learning community is a group of faculty and staff who share a common interest in a specific pedagogical philosophy or process. Learning communities are linked by a specific email list as well as their blog space on this website. They meet when they find the need to do so, but the most important aspect of a learning community is that they share their experiences with each other about their particular pedagogical interest. You can be active in as many learning communities as interests you.
Each of these learning communities has its own blog, and you are invited to make comments or raise questions on these blogs. The hope is that through our shared experiences, each of us will become better equipped to understand and apply these approaches to our classes.
WordPress blog rules of the road: If you have joined one of the learning communities, you have been enrolled on this site as a contributor and can initiate a blog entry. You post a blog by clicking on your Dashboard link in the login box in the right sidebar of this page. After composing your entry, be sure to click on the “Categories” box to the right on the composing page to post your blog in the topic you are writing about (e.g., Problem-based Learning). That way, your blog will be read by people interested in that topic. If your question is more general, meant for anyone visiting the CITLS pages, click on “Center.” Anyone visiting this site can respond to a posted blog without being enrolled as a contributor. If you would like to be added to this website as a contributor, or specifically to any (or all) of the learning communities, please contact Alan Childs. If you would like more assistance in posting a blog to this site, here is a cool bit of video from Courtney Bentley on how to use this feature. Check it out! How to Blog.