Course Lectures


Using your regularly scheduled class time with students, meet online via Google Meet. See Getting Started with Google Meet.

Here are resources for online whiteboard options: 





Pre-recorded, Self-created

Use video recording software like Panopto to record mini lectures (e.g. 10-15 minutes) and post them to Moodle. Mini-lectures can accompany other activities that engage students in learning the material.

Videos/Documentation on how to use Panopto:

Instructional Resources

Consider posting pre-made, high-quality videos and epublications already available online instead of creating them from scratch. Some resources include:


Live Video

Hold live class discussions via Google Meet during course time that use active learning strategies. See Getting Started with Google Meet.

Here are Google Meet Tutorial Videos:

Live Chat

Add a Chat activity to Moodle for the class to engage with one another in real-time.

Online Discussion Forums

Post a discussion forum to Moodle for students to engage with a variety of topics. Consider using the CITLS resource on classroom discussion to generate questions and protocols that ensure students come to the discussion prepared, are reaching higher order thinking, and listening to one another.

Independent Learning Activities

Independent projects are a great way for students to engage with course concepts in times of academic disruption. If instructors want to assign low-tech projects in lieu of meeting online for class, it is recommended that the projects are well-defined and short enough for the time frame that students and instructors are not on campus. This resource describes independent assignments such as mini research papers, literature reviews, reading responses and other engaging projects.

Laboratory Courses

Consider using online simulations or virtual laboratories if they are available, or simulated data. There are various sites that contain simulations and virtual laboratories such as:

Studio Courses

To the extent feasible, consider whether students can bring materials with them to work on projects. Additionally, projects may be assigned that utilize easily acquired materials.

For a downloadable resource for Moving Production Courses Online click here. 

For a downloadable resource for Teaching Theatre Online click here.


Various assessments can also be completed online. Keep in mind that because students will be completing assessments online they will likely have access to course materials and can potentially collaborate with fellow classmates. If students require accommodations for exams or quizzes, consider using online features that allow for extended time, or, alternatively, holding exams when the classes resume on campus. If you have any questions regarding accommodations for exams and quizzes, please contact the Academic Resource Hub (

Below are several tools that can be used to design online assessments.

  • Moodle Quizzes
    Design and present quizzes or exams consisting of multiple choice, true-false, or short answer questions.
  • Moodle Assignments
    Students can upload files (e.g., papers) to satisfy an assignment that can be graded. Instructors can leave feedback through multiple means (e.g., written feedback, audio feedback).
  • Google Assignments
    Students can upload native Google Docs to satisfy an assignment and can be graded. Google Assignments allow instructors to leave feedback using comments native to Google Docs. Other file types can be submitted too.

Office Hours

Online office hours can be held using a web conferencing tool like Google Meet. Scheduling of office hours could be managed by leveraging Appointments in Google Calendar.

Here is a video on how to use Google Calendar as well:


If you have any questions regarding accessibility, please contact the Academic Resource Hub ( or read this recommended resource.