March 25, April 3, April 17 and May 1
Meeting of the informal faculty learning-communities:
Wednesday, 25 March: “Pedagogical Strategies/Tactics/Techniques” Rubric: engaging students in critical-thinking/problem-solving in the classroom
Friday, 3 April: “Organizing One’s Scholarly Life” Rubric: institutional support for scholarship and the scholarly enterprise, and disciplinary differences therein
Friday, 17 April: “Organizing One’s Scholarly Life” Rubric: eliciting multidisciplinary perspectives on pedagogical/scholarly projects
Friday, 1 May: “Pedagogical Strategies/Tactics/Techniques” Rubric: transforming the way science is taught
February 12
Conversations with Ken Bain; 4:10pm-6:00pm; location tba
The Center will host:
Kenneth Bain, Provost Emeritus and Vice President Emeritus for Academic Affairs and Professor Emeritus of History and Urban Education (National Center for Urban Education) at the University of the District of Columbia.
Professor Bain is the noted author of two important and acclaimed books: What the Best College Teachers Do (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2004) and What the Best College Students Do (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2012).
February 4
CITLS Program on Discussion-based Learning; 4:10pm-6:00pm; location tba
The Center will sponsor a workshop on discussion-based learning and facilitating student discussion with:
Alison Cook-Sather (A.M. Stanford University; Ph.D. Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania)
Professor Cook-Sather is The Mary Katherine Woodworth Chair and Professor in the Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Program, Director of The Peace, Conflict, and Social Justice Program, Coordinator of the Teaching and Learning Initiative, and Coordinator of The Andrew W. Mellon Teaching and Learning Institute at Bryn Mawr College, and The Jean Rudduck Visiting Scholar at Homerton College of the University of Cambridge.
October 31
Using “Theater of the Oppressed” Pedagogy to Teach About Power, Privilege, & Difference, noon- 1:00pm, Interfaith Chapel, Hogg Hall
Presenter: Prof. Rick Piatt, Asst. Prof. of Visual and Performing Arts, Merrimac College
“Theater of the Oppressed” is a form of consciousness-raising and activist theater developed in the 1960s by Brazilian theater director and political dissident Auguste Boal. In Theater of the Oppressed workshops, those who have experienced or witnessed some form of oppression are invited to share their stories, then some of these stories are selected for performance, revised enactment, and discussion. TO pedagogy is highly interactive; since everyone present can potentially be both an observer and a performer, workshop attendees are called “spect-actors.” Prof. Rick Piatt, a Lafayette alumnus as well as a specialist in Theater of the Oppressed pedagogy, will help us learn by doing, getting some of us off our feet to demonstrate how TO pedagogy might be used in the classroom to elicit thoughtful and lively discussions about issues of power, privilege, oppression, and difference.
October 27
Information Literacy Brownbag with Art Professor Nestor Gil, noon-1:00pm, 003 Skillman Library
The brown bag will feature Professor Nestor Gil, who received an information literacy grant for his ART 206 Research and Methods course in spring 2014. Professor Gil will share how he integrated information literacy into his class. He will discuss his assignments, pedagogy, and collaboration with Kelly Smith, Visual Resources Librarian, and Lijuan Xu, Library Instruction Coordinator. The grant is funded by the Office of the Provost and Skillman Library.
September 22, September 29 and October 6
Monday, 22 September, 12:15-1:15 p.m.: Williams Visual Arts Building, 3rd Street
Professor Ed Kerns, Department of Art (topic: Art Making with Digital Imaging)
Prof. Kerns will discuss art making using digital imagining techniques.
Monday, 29 September, 12:15-1:15 p.m.: 302 Hugel
Professor Lauren Anderson, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (topic: Problem-Solving Using Tablets)
Professor Michelle Geoffrion-Vinci, Professor Margaret Lamb-Faffelberger and Ms. Mary Toulouse, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (topic: i-Think, i-Lead, We-Connect: The Lafayette e-Portfolio and Badge Initiative for Preparing Students as Scholars, Citizens, and Leaders)
Professor Chip Nataro, Department of Chemistry (topic: Student Response Systems in Chemistry)
The second presentations of the series will be lead by Prof. Lauren Anderson (Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering), Prof. Chip Nataro (Department of Chemistry), Prof. Michelle Geoffrion-Vinci, Prof. Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger and Ms. Mary Toulouse (Department of Foreing Languages and Literatures).
Prof. Anderson will discuss the use of tablets for problem-solving in chemical engineering course and Prof. Nataro will present on the topic of student response systems in chemistry. The eIntruction software package will be on display.
Prof. Geoffrion-Vinci, Prof. Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger and Ms. Toulouse will present on the topic of The Lafayette e-Portfolio and Badge Initiative for Preparing Students as Scholars, Citizens, and Leaders.
Monday, 6 October, 12:15-1:15 p.m.: Gendebien Room, Skillman Library
Professor Ben Cohen, Program in Engineering Studies (topic: Students, Podcasts, Publics)
Professor Jim Dearworth, Department of Biology (topic: The BodyViz Laptop Solution to Study Human Anatomy)
Professor Alessandro Giovannelli, Department of Philosophy (topic: Philosophy and Digitalizing Art Cinema
August 14, August 15 and August 18
A 3-day workshop for new faculty, which includes presentations, conversations, panel discussions, and hands-on activities to introduce new faculty to the expectations and resources for pedagogy at the college.