This section delves into various classroom-based SEL approaches that can be incorporated virtually and in-person.

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- The first action-item to incorporate SEL in the classroom is to be intentional and to hold space for students. Educators who are intentional will find SEL practices to be malleable and refreshing channels to restore classroom morale and alleviate anxiety, particularly during stressful and exasperating times.
- Consider using the Guide to Incorporate Social-Emotional Learning in the College Classroom to inform your SEL practices and initiatives. This source champions SEL in higher education by highlighting weekly activities, readings, and recommended practices on how to support students in the classroom through social-emotional learning interventions. Educators can use this guide as a benchmark to get started in this practice and cater to their students and specific academic domain more personally as they move forward.
- Additionally, the UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center has a resource hub of research-based methods to advance social and emotional well-being. The hub comprises topics such as: Compassion, Connection, Empathy, Gratitude, and Resilience to Stress. Check out the practices here. Educators should note that these practices can be used in the class-room, and/or for their own social-emotional well-being as well.
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