The Lafayette College Libraries Department of Digital Scholarship Services (DSS) invites proposals from faculty with needs ranging from preliminary consultation on project scoping to execution of ambitious collaborative digital projects. All full-time and contingent faculty are eligible. DSS specializes in collaboration in areas of the humanities and humanistic social sciences, but faculty in all disciplines are encouraged to apply.
HC Collaborative Teaching grants bring faculty and their students together, in teaching collaborations. Funds are available to design a shared course module between classes, or other collaborative opportunities for students taking different courses dealing with humanities, in ways that connect the courses involved. Contact: Alessandro Giovannelli <>.
Integrating Humanities grants bring faculty and students from different departments or programs together in the organization of events (e.g. speakers series and symposia) dedicated to one of the “big questions” the humanities, broadly conceived, address.
Funds are available to organize an event or series of events, open to everyone, which will give faculty and students opportunities to see an issue or set of related issues being addressed from a multiplicity of different humanities-related perspectives. Contact: Alessandro Giovannelli <>.
Public Humanities and Outreach grants bring faculty and their students together around initiatives and projects dealing with the public humanities or humanities-driven outreach efforts in the community. Contact: Alessandro Giovannelli <>.
Virtual visit mini-grants allow faculty to organize on-line “class visits” by scholars or practitioners in the humanities, with whose work students are becoming acquainted. Up to $500 grants toward speakers’ honorariums are available on a rolling basis. Contact: Alessandro Giovannelli <>.
Librarians and faculty at Lafayette are increasingly concerned about the need to graduate ‘information literate’ students, those who know how to find, evaluate, and use information and who understand the ways in which information is created, disseminated, and organized in our society. The goal of the Lafayette Libraries’ Information Literacy Grants is to encourage faculty to develop more classes in which students have these opportunities to develop information literacy skills.
The purpose of the Open Educational Resources and Affordability Initiative is to encourage the development of alternatives to high-cost textbooks and course materials at Lafayette. The program aims to support the adoption, adaptation, creation, or reuse of Open Educational Resources (OER) or other low cost alternatives to commercial textbooks and course materials. The program supports faculty who want to make the transition to low cost alternatives by providing grants and assistance for reworking course syllabi or creating new free materials.
Through a variety of funding sources, the Provost’s Office is able to provide support for certain curricular and pedagogical development projects. Interested faculty should submit a proposal that includes a description of the project and its intended impact. Each applicant should also provide a curriculum vitae and should ask his/her Department Head to send an evaluation of the project. It is expected that each recipient will submit a brief report of the results of his/her work to the Dean of Academic Initiatives within six months of the end of the development period.