APRIL 2013
April 16
“CITLS Program: Approaches to Blended Learning” 12:15pm-1:00pm, 104 Scott Hall
Our next CITLS program presents a panel discussion of the experiences that three of us (Polly Piergiovanni, Courtney Bentley and Alan Childs) had at a two day blended learning workshop sponsored by The Teaching Professor. The panelists will discuss what advice and “take away” points they have from the workshop, as well as the plans they have for implementing blending in their courses, or in the support of blended courses.
February 27
“CITLS Program: Technology and the Future of the Classroom” 12:00pm-1:00pm, 206 Skillman (new location)
Recently, a member of the Education Advisory Board (Washington, D.C.) was on campus to speak to administrative officers and a group of faculty on the potential challenges facing education from the rapid changes in technology and in delivering course material to students. These challenges, and the questions they raise for liberal arts colleges like ours were presented. At this program, several of our staff and faculty who attended this presentation will be sharing their comments and questions. A brief summary of the presenter’s points will be made, so it is not necessary that you attended the original talk. To be sure, similar information about the rapid increase in technological pedagogy (e.g. MOOCS), along with the questions raised, has appeared in a wide range of publications in recent months.
February 21
“CITLS Program: Using Moodle Quiz as a Formative Classroom Assessment Tool” 12:15pm-1:00pm, 104 Scott Hall
At this program, Lauren Myers of the Department of Psychology will be discussing how she uses the Moodle Quiz module for a number of assessment tasks in her class, Introduction to Psychological Science. She will demonstrate how Moodle Quiz can be used as both testing practice and a learning opportunity for students which can include feedback on their topic mastery, as well as be a diagnostic tool for her teaching. Prof. Myers utilizes a number of the module’s features to help students understand the thinking processes behind their answers so that they can improve their approach to study.
February 12
“CITLS Program: Technology and the Future of Teaching” 4:10pm-5:00pm, 224 Oechsle Hall
Mr. Matthew Pellish will be presenting a program on technology and its impact on the future of classroom teaching. Refreshments will be available and there will be an opportunity to speak with Mr. Pellish after his talk in the Oechsle Lobby.
Mr. Pellish is a Director of Member Education with the research programs of the Education Advisory Board, a national educational “think tank.” In this capacity, Mr. Pellish is responsible for the communication and delivery of strategic and custom research for EAB.
February 11
“CITLS/Skillman Program: An Approach to Faculty Collaboration in Developing a Common Methods Course” 12:00pm-1:00pm, 03 Skillman (new location)
At this program, Rebekah Pite and Paul Barclay, both from the Department of History, will lead a discussion on the needs and opportunities that led to the development of a history methods course, HIST 206: The Politics and Practice of History. They will speak to the nature of collaboration among faculty in a methodologically diverse discipline to identify and teach a common set of skills that students of history will benefit from in their time at Lafayette and beyond.
November 26
“CITLS Program: Blended, Flipped, or Hybridized: Is this the classroom of the future?” 12:10pm-1:00pm, 103 Ramer (new location)
This CITLS Program will feature a discussion led by two Lafayette faculty, Polly Pierogiovanni of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Qin Lu, of Mathematics, both of whom are in the process of implementing the concept of the blended classroom into one of their courses. Simply put, the blended, flipped, or hybrid classroom uses various instructional technologies to deliver course content, in real time, but also in “delayed time”, as well as to facilitate and evaluate student involvement and learning. These technologies are used in various combinations with traditional, face-to-face interactions, hence the term “blended.”
November 13
“CITLS Program: Interteaching: The way to more effective learning?” 12:10pm-1:00pm, 104 Scott Hall
This CITLS program will be a discussion of a teaching method called Interteaching, an approach derived from the principles of behavioral psychology and an earlier instructional approach developed by Keller, often referred to as personalized system of instruction. This approach seeks to respond to the potential ineffectiveness of lecture-based teaching and to provide an alternative that may improve student learning while increasing student engagement and even enjoyment. Those who register will receive a brief reading to review before the program.
October 22
“CITLS Program: Stereotype Threat in the Classroom.” 12:10pm-1:00pm, 104 Scott Hall
Building on the recent lecture, and subsequently a faculty workshop led by Prof. Joshua Aronson (NYU) about the concept of stereotype threat (ST), you are invited to join a discussion of how ST can happen in the classroom, and what can be done to minimize it’s effects.
October 19
“CITLS New Faculty Orientation Program: Case studies in Class Management.” 12:10pm-1:00pm, 104 Scott Hall
This NFO session will be a discussion of classroom cases of disruptive student behavior. By this time of the year, most classes have taken on a “personality” and more significantly, so have individual students. More than likely you have a student who always responds to your questions, but also those that never do. There are students who complain and disrupt the class, or the student who shows up to every office hour wanting you to repeat yesterday’s lecture for them. We will discuss classroom cases such as these, along with others that you can share with us, and the options for dealing with them.
October 10
“CITLS Program: Evidence-Based Teaching.” 12:00pm-1:00pm, 206 Skillman
Prof. Buskist will be presenting a brief review of research methodologies that have been used in evaluating the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the classroom. He will then offer a model for effective semester-long research on course effectiveness.
September 14
“CITLS New Faculty Orientation Program: Balancing Teaching and Research.” 12:00pm-1:00pm, 104 Scott Hall
We will have a panel of faculty who will discuss their experiences how to create a balance between the demands of teaching and research, as well as how research can inform our teaching .
August 14, August 15, August 16, and August 17
New Faculty Orientation. A four-day workshop for new faculty, which includes presentations, conversations, panel discussions, and hands-on activities to introduce new faculty to the expectations and resources for pedagogy at the college. Various sites throughout each day. The schedule will be distributed to new faculty by email prior to the program.