Jun 21, 2022
A New Resource for Inclusive Teaching!
The Inclusive Teaching Visualization Project was developed as a resource for instructors that visualizes several inclusive teaching practices and behaviors…
The Inclusive Teaching Visualization Project was developed as a resource for instructors that visualizes several inclusive teaching practices and behaviors…
Interested in integrating social justice issues in your course? This Moodle module includes literature-based frameworks and tools for social justice course…
Here at CITLS, we’re proud of our Senior Student Fellows and honored to have been a part of their journeys. Hamna Major: International Affairs & Women’s…
New titles, focused on equitable and inclusive course design and teaching practices, have been added to our growing collection. Visit the CITLS library…
The classroom continues to be a site of study for me. In a semester, with the highest stress levels since COVID, I continue to tweak and update my pedagogical…