CITLS offers a variety of online modules and institutes for teaching and learning. Participants will receive a certificate for their teaching files upon completing each module. Contact for enrollment.

Peer Review of Teaching: The Critical Teaching Behaviors Framework

The Peer Review of Teaching Module: The Critical Teaching Behaviors Framework, is now available in Spaces! This module was developed as a supplemental and sustainable resource in collaboration with Dr. Lauren Barbeau, following her workshop introducing the Critical Teaching Behaviors (CTB) framework and toolkit. It is designed for all Lafayette faculty and staff members engaging in peer review of teaching in either a formative or evaluative manner, as well as those being reviewed to document their teaching efforts.  It can also serve as a resource for departments, programs, and faculty committees as they engage in discussions surrounding peer review processes and evaluative peer review activities. Self-enroll in the Peer Review of Teaching module for access or contact for more information.

Online Teaching Academy

The Online Teaching Academy offers training and support for instructors that will be teaching online during the interim or Summer sessions.  Participating faculty will take a journey, touching on everything from online course syllabus development to course site design and maximizing student engagement in a virtual setting.   After working through the modules, participants submit a 1-2 page reflection composed of synthesized prompts completed during the modules. Both synchronous and asynchronous components are included in this 3-day academy.

Just Course Design

The Just Course Design module includes literature-based frameworks and tools for social justice course design as well as sample syllabi, assignments, assessment recommendations, classroom management considerations, and reflection questions to consider in each section. After working through the module, participants submit a 1-page summary reflection that responds to the questions that are embedded throughout to further their course design efforts. The module is designed to be flexible and completed at any point in time, and does not need to be completed in one sitting.

Designing your First Lafayette Courses

Designing your First Lafayette Courses is an online module geared toward faculty new to Lafayette (e.g. within their first 1-2 years). The module will guide them through the process of preparing their first courses. It is designed to be flexible, and does not need to be completed in one sitting.