Prior to the start of the semester, Lafayette students will centrally be asked to complete a self-assessment to identify and connect with resources that support their success. A recommendation is for faculty to also consider making the completion of the self-assessment an ungraded course assignment and post it to their course sites. See sample syllabus language below that can be modified.

Pre-Semester Self-Assessment

To help support your success this fall, your first task is to complete a self-assessment that will help you connect with relevant Lafayette resources as needed. Please be sure to follow the recommendations and actions as they apply to you. If you already completed this self-assessment there is no need to take it again. Also, if you have not already done so, please contact me if you will attend class remotely, and if your time zone is different than Easton, PA (EDT) so that I am aware when designing course activities and can support your engagement in the course. 

Student Self-Assessment to Prepare for Flexible & Remote Learning

Below are a few recommendations for faculty to help support their learners during flexible and remote learning.

Limitations with Technology Access

If students lack access to computers and/or WiFI where they are taking their Fall courses, they should contact ITS through the Help Desk ( ITS will make laptops and WiFI hotspots available to those who need them. Students can complete the Technology Request Form for any technology needs. 

Challenges Related to Location

If learning is remote, ensure that all students with time zone differences are able to engage in the course. This may include items such as preparing mini-recordings on material, and other recordings from live class sessions and having an additional discussion board site that would allow online students to ask questions about course content. For students lacking dedicated study spaces in their home location, please encourage them to review the resource Tips for Students Learning Remotely, specifically the section “Preparing for Learning,” to brainstorm possible solutions.  

Time Management with Co-curricular Activities and Other Obligations

In the case of students who have many co-curricular obligations, refer them to the section of “Time Management” on the resource Tips for Students Learning Remotely. This is relevant for any student and may be particularly useful for students with many other obligations outside of class. 

Other Considerations 

Provide the entire class information on support resources available through the Office of Advising and Co-curricular Programs for first generation students, especially if you teach freshmen. This includes a Mentoring Program, Faculty and Administrator Directory and online stories of first-gen members of the Lafayette community. Pedagogically, review syllabi and ensure that anything that could be considered part of the hidden curriculum of college is clearly defined such as how office hours work and resources available to students for academic support among other items. Provide students with low-stakes assessment opportunities early in the course prior to any high-stakes assessments to give them opportunities to practice college-level material, as well as opportunities for feedback. For students unable to purchase materials related to the course, carefully review syllabi and consider if there are alternative resources, and whether texts can be purchased digitally through the library or put on reserve.